Chief Secretary for Administration
With the implementation of the accountability system for principal officials on July 1, 2002, the Chief Secretary for Administration, along with the Financial Secretary, the Secretary for Justice and Directors of Bureau, is one of the most important officials within the Government. The Chief Secretary for Administration is a member of the Executive Council and the most senior of the three officials authorised to temporarily assume the duties of the Chief Executive when the latter is not able to discharge his duties for a short period.
The Chief Secretary for Administration assists the Chief Executive in supervising the bureaux as directed by him and plays a key role in ensuring co-ordination in policy formulation and implementation. This is particularly important in areas which cut across bureaux. The Chief Secretary for Administration also covers specific priority areas of the Chief Executive’s policy agenda, and is responsible for forging a closer and more effective working relationship with the Legislative Council and drawing up the Government’s legislative programme. In addition, the Chief Secretary for Administration exercises statutory functions vested in him by law, such as those concerning the handling of appeals and certain public bodies. The Administration Wing of the Chief Secretary for Administration’s Office provides support for some of the above duties.
Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration
The Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration assists the Chief Secretary for Administration in supervising the nine bureaux under his charge as well as co-ordinating the formulation and implementation of policies that cut across various bureaux/departments. He also plans, co-ordinates or takes charge of specific policy areas or projects as directed by the Chief Executive and/or the Chief Secretary for Administration.
The Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration is a member of the Executive Council. He also engages and canvasses the views of the Legislative Council (LegCo) and other stakeholders, and explains policies to the LegCo, other stakeholders, members of the public and the media.
The Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration exercises relevant statutory functions delegated by the Chief Executive and/or the Chief Secretary for Administration, or vested in him by law.
When the Chief Secretary for Administration is on duty visit or on leave, the Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration deputises for him during his absence.
Organisation Chart